
We believe in you.

We provide products you never want. For you or your loved ones.

But if the time comes, we believe in you.

We believe in your independence.

We believe in your courage.

We believe in your hope.

We believe in your grit.

We believe in your joy.

We believe in the MISSION

... to save and improve lives.

Every product is a mission. Every product saves and improves lives. Let’s start with getting rid of those unsafe, unsanitary and unattractive tennis balls on walkers. This ubiquitous reality negatively stigmatizes people who use walkers. We want to change that … so Lose the Tennis Balls and Get Walker Skis!

Falls are horrible and happen too often. In fact, falls are the fifth leading cause of death for Americans over 65. Most of these falls happen at home, and most of those happen in the bathroom. The good news is most of these falls can be prevented. Let’s Prevent falls and save lives!

We believe in the QUALITY

... from day one and for a long, long time.

Quality means each and every product is for someone we know and love. That is how we think about our products and making sure they are made with the highest quality standards is our passion and obsession.

Quality also means we are here for you … today, tomorrow and beyond. For us, our warranty and service is a relationship with you. We take our relationships very seriously and make sure they are treated and valued with care, kindness and respect.

We believe in STYLE

... because this is personal.

For us, Style = Spirit and the spirit of our customers is thriving, beautiful and fabulous. Butterflies on a walker bag, a peacock on a cane and bling worthy accessories on a walker? Well of course!

When it comes to style we take our boldness cue from you. From the beginning you inspired us to come out with COLORS that represent. We were the first to have a Red rollator, then Sky Diamond Blue and … PURPLE! Thank you for being bold and BRINGING IT!

We believe in PEOPLE

... and NOVA humans are stellar.

We love ice cream and each person has an all-time favorite flavor. Pistachio, rocky road, salted caramel … the list is as diverse as our diversity. We love how unique we are and really love, embrace and respect one another. We’ve got a lot of NOVAlove and NOVAjoy going on around here!

It’s our trust, camaraderie and that NOVAlove and NOVAjoy makes us stealth. We make things happen, we make things better and we care.

We believe in OUR LEGACY

... born from Dr. Bruce Chen.

Dr. Bruce Chen believed in the Power of his patients … their courage, determination and love. That power inspired him to dream of better products for their life and lifestyle. He lived every day to love, cherish and empower his family, friends, colleagues and patients. What he dreamed, hoped and worked so hard for has become a reality and Our Legacy.

Sue was only 14 when her father and best friend left our Earth. “I feel so blessed and grateful to live each day with the gift of my father’s passion, mission and joy.”